50 Visual Studio Code shortcuts

50 Visual Studio Code shortcuts
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Thursday, April 27, 2023

50 Visual Studio Code shortcuts.

1. Ctrl + Shift + P: Opens the command palette.
2. Ctrl + P: Opens the file search.
3. Ctrl + Shift + N: Opens a new window.
4. Ctrl + N: Creates a new file.
5. Ctrl + O: Opens a file.
6. Ctrl + S: Saves the current file.
7. Ctrl + Shift + S: Saves the current file as a different filename.
8. Ctrl + W: Closes the current tab.
9. Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopens the last closed tab.
10. Ctrl + Tab: Switches between tabs.
11. Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switches between tabs in reverse order.
12. Ctrl + B: Toggles the sidebar.
13. Ctrl + J: Toggles the panel.
14. Ctrl + \: Splits the editor.
15. Ctrl + Shift + \: Jumps between editor groups.
16. Ctrl + F: Finds text in the current file.
17. Ctrl + H: Replaces text in the current file.
18. F12: Jumps to the definition of the symbol at the cursor.
19. Alt + F12: Shows the definition of the symbol at the cursor in a peek window.
20. Ctrl + K + F: Formats the current document.
21. Ctrl + K + Ctrl + F: Formats the current selection.
22. Ctrl + K + Ctrl + C: Comments out the current selection.
23. Ctrl + K + Ctrl + U: Uncomment the current selection.
24. Ctrl + /: Toggles comment for the current line.
25. Alt + Arrow Up/Down: Moves the current line up/down.
26. Ctrl + Shift + F: Searches for a string in all files in the current workspace.
27. Ctrl + /: Toggles comment for selected lines.
28. Ctrl + Shift + L: Selects all occurrences of the current selection.
29. Alt + Left/Right: Navigates back/forward through cursor positions.
30. Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down: Inserts a new cursor above/below the current cursor.
31. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Up/Down: Moves the current line(s) up/down.
32. Ctrl + K + S: Opens the Keyboard Shortcuts preferences editor.
33. Ctrl + Shift + P + type ">settings": Opens the Settings editor.
34. Ctrl + Shift + P + type ">keyboard": Shows the keyboard shortcuts.
35. Ctrl + Shift + V: Opens the preview for the current Markdown file.
36. Ctrl + B: Toggles the visibility of the side bar.
37. Ctrl + J: Toggles the visibility of the panel.
38. Ctrl + K + C: Adds line comment at cursor position.
39. Ctrl + K + U: Removes line comment at cursor position.
40. Ctrl + K + 0: Collapses all regions.
41. Ctrl + K + J: Unfolds all regions.
42. Ctrl + Shift + O: Shows all symbols in the current file.
43. Ctrl + T: Shows all symbols in the workspace.
44. Ctrl + G: Goes to a specific line in the current file.
45. Ctrl + Shift + E: Focuses on the Explorer view.
46. Ctrl + Shift + F: Focuses on the Search view.
47. Ctrl + Shift + D: Focuses on the Debug view.
48. Ctrl + Shift + X: Focuses on the Extensions view.
49. Ctrl + K + Enter: Keeps the terminal panel open after executing the command.
50. Ctrl + Shift + C: Copies the selected text with formatting.