I.T Paper Solving Mock Test paper

I.T Paper Solving Mock Test paper
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I.T Paper Solving Mock Test paper

Q1 ) fill in the blanks :- 

1) <meta charset="_______________"> is used for Indian characters. 

Ans :- Utf-8

2) Audio format used with iphone is _______________.

Ans :- MP3, AAC, ALAC, WAV and AIFF

3) In _____________ model consumer helps consumer to sells their assets on the websites.

Ans :- C2C

4) In Audacity _____________ effect is ideal for reducing constant background noise such as fans, hums etc.

Ans :- Noise Reduction

5) while performing video editing __________ refers to the loading of a video captured from digital camera to the computer.

Ans :- Aspect Ratio

6) The creation of 3D printed object is achieved using ____________ processes.

Ans :- Additive processes

7) In Open street map set of images with the help of Arial view taken from satellite or drone is called as _____________.

Ans :- 

8) Poster, commercials on TV  and radio . bill  boards and brochures are example of ______________.

Ans :- Traditional marketing

9) In any form of marketing quality ____________ is the fuel that drives digital marketing strategies.

Ans :- SEO ( need a recheck later )

10) connecting with the audience in the right place and at the right time means _______________.

Ans :-

Q2 ) True / False :- 

1) <input type="Url"> defines a field for an e-mail address.

Ans :-  True

2) E-commerce reduces the paper work.

Ans :-  True

3) Roger B. Dannenberg started the audacity project.

Ans :-  True

4) Example of 3D printer is reconstruction of bones and body parts.

Ans :-  True

5) FDM stands for File Deposition Modeling 

Ans :-  True

6) Tasking manager is a free and open source software tool.

Ans :-  True

7) Potlatch is in-Browser Open Street map editor.

Ans :-  True

8) companies communicate with their audience through email marketing.

Ans :-  True

9) crawler is a program used by search engines to collect data from the website.

Ans :-  True

10) digital marketing requires physical marketing.

Ans :-  False

Q3 ) MCQ 01 :- 

1) <input type="month"> defines a month and year control in format.

Ans :- YYYY-MM

2) to make changes on multiple pages ________ Type of CSS is used.

Ans :- External css

3) While importing audio files into audacity, if the optional _______ Library is installed a larger range of formats can be imported.

Ans :- Ffmpeg

4) In video Editing __________ is used to show parallel actions.

Ans :- cut

5) SLS stands for ____________

Ans :- Selective Laser Sintering

6) Augmented reality is a combination of a real and _______ world 

Ans:- virtual

7)Which basic element represents the smallest object on map ?

Ans:- point

8) Which is an ordered list of nodes in map ?

Ans:- way

9) A special object such as tree. a shop or cafe on a map is callled as _______ in OSM

Ans :- POI

10) The keyword_______ is marked for indication site has paid 

Ans :- Ad

Q4 ) MCQ 02 :- 

1) Following are controls of the forms in HTML5.

Ans :- Textbox & submit 

2) Following are CSS properties.

Ans :- Font-size & Background color

3) Types of E-Governance are.

Ans :- G2B & G2E

4) Different types of video editing are.

Ans :- Linear Editing & Non- Linear Editing

5) A Quicker method to import  audio files into audacity is to just ________ and __________ the file.

Ans :-  Drag & drop

6) Audacity has unlimited _____________ and ______________.

Ans :- Undo & Redo

7) Applications of 5G are.

Ans :- Virtual Classrooms & Automated Vehicles

8) Two main views of open street map are.

Ans :- Basic view & logical view

9) Channels of digital marketing are _________ and ___________.

Ans :- Social media & Content 

10) In Digital marketing _____________ and _____________ SEO techniques and Strategies are used to get higher search rankings on search engines.

Ans :- White hat and black hat

Q5 ) MCQ 03 :- 

1) Advantages of E-commerce are.

Ans :- 
  1. Global scope.
  2. Local scope.
  3. Anytime shopping.

2) Following are the examples of traditional marketing.

Ans :-
  1. Brochures.
  2. Newspapers
  3. Posters

Q6) Match the Following

Section A Section B
  1. Jason Wood
  2. Convert the CAD File into a specific file
  3. This property is used to add underline...
  4. Search and Negotiate
  1. Pre-sales
  2. Text-decoration
  3. Founder of Kdenlive
  4. CAD file conversion


       A :-  3
       B :-  4
       C :-  2
       D :-  1

Q7 ) Short answer:- 

1) Write any 4 tips to record good quality sound.
Ans :-  
1) Record in a quiet location.
2) Avoid echo.
3) Invest in a decent microphone.
4) Stay close to your microphone.

2)Explain any 2 steps involved in 3D printing
Ans :-
1)Creating a 3D Model: The first step in 3D printing is creating a digital 3D model of the object you want to print. This can be done using a variety of software tools, such as computer-aided design (CAD) software or 3D modeling software. 
2)Printing the Model: The second step is actually printing the 3D model. The 3D printer reads the digital file and uses it to create the object layer by layer. The printer starts at the bottom layer and builds up, adding one layer at a time until the object is complete

3) Write a note on Opening hours in OSM.
Ans :-
Opening hours in OSM refer to the hours of operation for businesses or other locations that are listed on the OpenStreetMap (OSM) platform. This information can be added to OSM by anyone and is helpful for people who want to know when a business or location is open. The opening hours can be viewed on OSM maps and are also available for download as part of the OSM data.

4) Explain Point and line in OSM.
Ans :-

1)In OpenStreetMap (OSM), a point represents a specific location on the map, such as a building, landmark, or address. Points can be tagged with additional information such as the name of the location, its function, and other descriptive attributes.

2)A line in OSM represents a linear feature on the map, such as a road, river, or railway. Lines can also be tagged with additional information such as the type of road, speed limit, and other descriptive attributes. In some cases, lines may be used to represent the boundaries of areas, such as the border between two countries or the perimeter of a park.

5) Explaining any 2 marketing channels in digital marketing.
Ans :-
  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is the practice of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or phrases. It involves on-page optimization such as optimizing meta tags, page content, and internal linking, as well as off-page optimization such as building high-quality backlinks from other websites. SEO is a cost-effective way to drive organic traffic to a website and improve its visibility in search engines.

  2. Social Media Marketing (SMM): SMM involves promoting a brand or product through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. It includes creating and sharing engaging content, running paid ad campaigns, and building a social media presence to attract and engage with target audiences. SMM allows businesses to reach a large audience quickly and cost-effectively, and it can be a powerful tool for building brand awareness and driving sales.

6) Explain Black Hat SEO & White Hat SEO.
Ans :-

1) Black Hat SEO refers to unethical SEO practices that violate search engine guidelines to improve website rankings. Black Hat SEO techniques include keyword stuffing, cloaking, hidden text, and buying links. These tactics can result in penalties, including being removed from search engine results pages altogether.

2) White Hat SEO, on the other hand, refers to ethical SEO practices that comply with search engine guidelines and aim to improve website rankings by providing value to users. White Hat SEO techniques include creating high-quality content, optimizing website structure and coding, building natural backlinks, and improving website user experience. These tactics can result in long-term success and improved website rankings.

7) Name and Explain any two phase of E-commerce Trade cycle
Ans :-  
  1. Ordering Phase: This is the phase where a customer places an order for a product or service on the e-commerce platform. During this phase, the customer provides their contact and payment information and completes the transaction. The ordering phase is critical for e-commerce businesses as it involves processing payments and ensuring that the order is fulfilled accurately and efficiently.

  2. Delivery Phase: This is the phase where the product or service is delivered to the customer. Depending on the type of product or service, the delivery phase can involve physical delivery, such as shipping a product, or digital delivery, such as providing access to a digital product or service. The delivery phase is crucial in e-commerce as it directly impacts customer satisfaction and can impact the likelihood of repeat business.

8) Write any four Advantages of E-governance.
Ans :-
  1. Increased Efficiency: E-governance enables governments to provide faster and more efficient services to citizens. With digital platforms and online services, citizens can access government services anytime, anywhere, without having to visit government offices.

  2. Cost Savings: E-governance can reduce the costs of providing government services by automating processes and reducing the need for paper-based documentation. This can result in cost savings for both governments and citizens.

  3. Transparency and Accountability: E-governance promotes transparency and accountability in government operations by providing citizens with access to information and data related to government activities. This helps to prevent corruption and promotes trust between citizens and their government.

  4. Improved Communication: E-governance allows for improved communication between citizens and their government. With digital platforms and online services, citizens can provide feedback and communicate with government officials more easily and quickly, which can lead to more responsive and effective government services.

Q8 ) Write a program :-

1) Write a HTML program to accept student name, Date of birth and Attendence percentage in number form. the data should be sent to the server.

Ans :-

	<title>Student Information</title>
	<h2>Enter Student Information</h2>
	<form action="submit.php" method="POST">
		<label for="name">Name:</label><br />
		<input id="name" name="name" type="text" /><br />
		<label for="dob">Date of Birth:</label><br />
		<input id="dob" name="dob" type="date" /><br />
		<label for="attendance">Attendance Percentage:</label><br />
		<input id="attendance" max="100" min="0" name="attendance" type="number" /><br /><br />
		<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

2) Write a HTML program to display 'Maharashtra State Board' in blue color and font size 30 pixels using internal CSS. Give background color yellow for the web.

Ans :-

	<title>My Website</title>
		body {
			background-color: yellow;
		h1 {
			color: blue;
			font-size: 30px;
	<h1>Maharashtra State Board</h1>

3) Write a HTML Program to accept the Name of the Hospital, E-mail I'd of the Hospital, Number of beds in the Hospital. The data should be sent to the server.

Ans :-

	<title>Hospital Information</title>
	<h2>Enter Hospital Information</h2>
	<form action="submit.php" method="POST">
		<label for="hospitalName">Hospital Name:</label><br />
		<input id="hospitalName" name="hospitalName" type="text" /><br />
		<label for="email">Hospital Email ID:</label><br />
		<input id="email" name="email" type="email" /><br />
		<label for="beds">Number of Beds:</label><br />
		<input id="beds" min="0" name="beds" type="number" /><br /><br />
		<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

4) Write a HTML program to create an unordered list having names of two student. Add ordered list of subjects they selected as shown below.
  • Sanika 1 IT 2 Maths
  • Sachin 1 English 2 PT

Ans :-

	<title>Student Subjects</title>
	<h2>Student List</h2>

	<h2>Subjects Selected</h2>